Friday, May 4, 2012

Box Purse

Hey guys,
Here are some pics of a few box purses that I sew. If you guys wanna try it out there are more than enough tutorials on the net.

I have a small tip for you. It’s better if you use a stiff or hard material to make the purse. The one shown above was made from a cotton material which is not so stiff while the two purses shown below are made from denim material. 

This purse was actually made from some leftover material from the Jean bag.

And this one was made from a pair of jeans that my dad doesn't wear anymore.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Handmade cards

I found these old pics I had taken while going through my stuff a few days back and thought of sharing it with you guys. :)

Hope you like these.
I’m planning on making another card with a butterfly and I will post it with quality photos.
Till then enjoy... :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Braided hairband

I saw these super cute headbands at “Make it and Love it”. 

Soo wanted to try it out myself. I had these striped fabrics at home so I made mine from that. If you can’t find any like these  just use some old t-shirts u have.

The method used for these bands is 5 strand braiding.
If you don't know how to do 5 strand braiding, go here for the tutorial.

Here are some pics of the headband I made. :)

It’s cheap and very comfortable! 
I so love it! I'm planning on making more. :)


Have fun making headbands guys. :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tote bag

Hey guys. This is the very first tote bag I made. Pretty excited about it. Got a lot of positive feedback from my friends about it.
All the materials were taken from old clothes I had with me.

I also add a pocket inside so it’s more convenient.

Made these purses too, using the same materials. You can see all the details about it here.

Hope you guys enjoyed it too.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Handmade Birthday Card

Thought of sharing another b’day card I made..
This one was for my best friend, Sish..
Came out pretty nice… 

And this is the card I made for her last year..

Hope you guys enjoyed it..
And wish you a very happy birth day Sish..!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Personalized Pencil Case

Hey guys.
Here’s a purse I made recently. :)
Was just bored so wanted to try something. Went through the stuff I had and got an idea, so thought “why not?”.

These are the raw material used.

This is the final outcome.

Had some extra material so thought of making another purse just like the above but much more personalized.
Did it for my little sister. :)

I added lots of pockets inside, so she can put a lot of cards and notes. She’s still studying so I figured she’ll want it to put her short notes and admission cards etc..

Hope you like it. Please leave your comments. :)

Friday, March 2, 2012


I love my dad's paintings and thought of sharing some with you guys. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quilled Flower Card

Hi guys!

Today I'm gonna tell you about my new passion, quilling!! :D

Here’s a picture of the first quilled card that I made. Made it just for the fun of it. 

So I have something to share with you guys about quilling. You can find loads of quilling supplies in the market, such as quilling tools and papers.

But the good news is, you don’t have to buy any of these to quill! You can just get some coloured papers and cut them into strips of about 4mm of width (it's the perfect size in my point of view) and as for the quilling tool, get a toothpick and cut a small slit in it. Below you can see my quilling tools made from two toothpicks or kebab sticks rather. But don't make em from a small toothpicks because the smaller it gets the harder you will find it to quill.

And you can check out Yulia Brodskaya's creations here for inspiration.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask! :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine card

Hey guys,

Today I’m gonna tell you about the first order I got. T’was from a friend of mine for a V’day card.
The requirements were for it to be a white card with some bright blue design and it had to be simple with nothing written on it. So this is the card that I came up with.

If you look closely you can see a rose embossed in the heart. :) (Click on the picture to enlarge) 

My mom says it’s too simple. But I simply love this card! In my opinion it's elegant! So I guess there are two kinds of people. The ones who like simple cards and the ones who like complicated cards with lots of designs. Hehe. 

Wonder what my friend likes. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine card - Gothic

These are the one of the Valentine cards that I told you guys about. :)

 I made this one for my other half. I've always wanted to make a Valentine card with a goth theme so thought I'd make it this Valentines.

This is an origami heart.You can find a lot of YouTube videos on origami. I also made a card with an origami shirt. I will post it soon! 

I wrote this inside the card. Saw a stamp like this when searching the net and I loved it. It gives a personal touch to the card.

Hope you enjoyed! See you soon!